Nuzzleteers – all for one and one for all!

Nuzzlets would like to thank all our volunteers, without them the visits could not take place. Our volunteers are kind, generous people who give up their time willingly.

Volunteers are essential to help with animal care, the visits and fundraising.

Volunteering is fun, you make new friends of all ages and make a difference to the community. Training is available. Public liability and employers liability insurance, health and safety policy, risk assessments and accident procedures are in place.

Our volunteers develop their own personal skills, whilst helping others.

We can provide references and testimonials for volunteers to help with future employment and educational opportunities.

Volunteers comments:

I am privileged to tell you, I am a Nuzzlets volunteer.
When I first became I volunteer for Nuzzlets last year, I was very aware of how my role would benefit the local community. What I was not aware of, was the impact that volunteering would have on me, and the ‘selfish’ benefits that come along with the package. 
I have a deep love of animals, and the combination of both that, and the help the Nuzzlets animals give to those in need, made this charity the perfect choice for me, and I wanted to join in, and help out.
Five months on, giving my time for only two mornings a week, I have many new connections; with the animals, other volunteers, and countless children and adults who are in need, alike.
When I wake on a ‘Nuzzlets morning’ and know I’m heading out to the farm, or we’re making a site visit, I am astounded to find I have a huge sense of calmness, and well-being. And throughout each visit, I feel a great sense of belonging; not only towards Nuzzlets, but towards all those who are present, and are sharing the very unique and individual experience that the Nuzzlets animals provide for people.
They not only bring fun and fulfilment into their lives, but being part of their experience, does the very same thing for me. I leave with a great sense of achievement and pride, whilst every moment has been an absolute pleasure. 
For those two mornings a week, I am living in the present, thinking of nothing but what’s happening around me, letting the stresses of every day life drift away. And at the same time, I’m helping to make a few people, a little bit happier. I am privileged to tell you, I am a Nuzzlets volunteer.
Volunteering at Nuzzlets is such an enjoyable experience. Initially I was apprehensive about the impact animal therapy can have on people however within the first hour of my time volunteering I was convinced. The animals provide comfort to the distressed, friendship to those who feel isolated and so much love to families, children and even the volunteers. Animal therapy is definitely something to invest in and has far reaching benefits! By Lolly
I thoroughly enjoy the time I spend at nuzzlets and find it very therapeutic myself. Both the aims and the children are gorgeous and helping them interact feels like a privilege. In terms of coming as a parent with Alex and Heather it’s one of the highlights of their summer holidays. We’ve been 2 years running and they talk about it lots. Heather’s particularly fond of Zippy! I also really appreciate the fact that siblings are welcome as it means Heather gets a chance to do something lovely too. By Janet. 
Some children and adults seem to have a natural affinity with animals.  Nuzzlets brings this out.  As a volunteer I have found it heart-warming to watch a child, teenager or elderly person stroke and hold an animal and see both relax in each others company.  I am sure this brings benefits to both. Volunteering makes me feel positive and happy. By Sue.

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